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Welcome to Smarden Primary

On behalf of all the children, staff and governors I’d like to welcome you to our website. I hope that you will find it informative, interesting and that it gives you a deeper insight into what makes Smarden Primary and Nursery School so special.

Happy, Challenged and Secure.


At Smarden we believe that all children thrive in an environment in which they are happy, challenged and secure: secure in the knowledge they are safe and cared for; challenged to achieve their best; and happy in the knowledge they are each appreciated for their individuality and their achievements.

Happy, Challenged and Secure.

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Special thanks to https://t.co/8HS36t6Fbk #cheerleading @TKATAcademies - getting ready for the TKAT Games next week pic.twitter.com/Mg5sMbMUtK— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) May 17, 2019



Yesterday’s Dance lesson @SmardenPrimary was a pleasure to observe. Pupils were thoroughly engaged and moving with smiles on their faces, the intensity as great. Well done Coach Ellie 💃🏼🕺🏻... #dance #dancelessons #teachingdance #primaryschooldance #pe #thursdayvibes #dancing pic.twitter.com/GACmI4yNNm— Teamtheme Kent (@Teamthemekent) May 2, 2019



Week 2 of 🏀 @SmardenPrimary focusing on #ballcontrol #ballhandling #ballmapulation Reception/Year 1 progressing really well. #teamthemekent #sportscoaching #basketball #ballskills #primarype #primaryschoolskent pic.twitter.com/A1DF25pB01— Teamtheme Kent (@Teamthemekent) March 12, 2019



Mr Lawlor #prepared #ready #organised for his morning Reception/YR1 PE Lesson! Always has a huge smile on his face! 😃😃😃@SmardenPrimary 🤸‍♀️ @Create_Dev @BritGymnastics #gymnastics #star #straddle #pike #balance #mats #vaults #apparatus pic.twitter.com/Z2jtux6ZQ9— Teamtheme Kent (@Teamthemekent) January 22, 2019



#childreninneed2018 @Homewood_School Dance Dash 2018 Loved it!@TKATAcademies #Pudsey pic.twitter.com/84kVnj7sLf— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) November 16, 2018



We welcome eight local primary schools to Dulwich for an afternoon of #Football and #sportmanship @GoodNews_Schls @schoolstogether pic.twitter.com/FuQ1kaclo8— Dulwich Cranbrook (@DPCranbrook) November 13, 2018



#oddsocksday #ChooseRespect #AntiBullyingWeek @andyoddsock A small selection of Odd Socks @SmardenPrimary @TKATAcademies pic.twitter.com/NlucHAOqMv— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) November 12, 2018



Welcome to #AntiBullyingWeek 2018! 😃 We pledge to always #ChooseRespect - Will you? RT if you agree. pic.twitter.com/tnQAu7Vc7H— Anti-Bullying Alliance #AntiBullyingWeek (@ABAonline) November 12, 2018



Well Done @SmardenPrimary #Ofsted @TKATAcademies pic.twitter.com/xMwcsUmDgx— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) May 11, 2018



#youngvoices2018 #O2Arena What a fantastic evening! pic.twitter.com/XTzVRKnUnU— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) January 31, 2018


Amazing fund raising effort for #childreninneed2017 from @SmardenPrimary £327.65 @BBCCiN— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) November 23, 2017



Laying the wreath for #RemembranceDay2017 #LestWeForget #ArmisticeDay pic.twitter.com/pQ1Aqv0QtT— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) November 10, 2017



#restartaheart Training for our Yr 5/6 children @SECambulanceCFR @SECAmbulance #lifesavers #CPRsaveslives pic.twitter.com/6CjfIDWfZx— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) October 11, 2017



Join us at 12:00, noon for a minute of silence/moment of peace. #InternationalDayofPeace #PeaceDay pic.twitter.com/Lo6co7s7MI— Kent-Teach (@KentSchoolJobs) September 21, 2017



Fantastic @ @MarvellousMimi . We're supporting you all the way from @SmardenPrimary https://t.co/nVXxBWqRLT— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) September 15, 2017


Fantastic to hear your story #remarkablewomen https://t.co/N9KoXHe9Dw— SmardenPrimarySchool (@SmardenPrimary) July 7, 2017



Such a pleasure to be a part of @SmardenPrimary & @PluckleyPrimary Sports Day last week #sport #primary #education #ashford #kent pic.twitter.com/CEkXB0unQg— Teamtheme Kent (@Teamthemekent) June 29, 2017


Three quarters of modern parents worry their children are less active than they were at the same age https://t.co/VRp6ByuTuK— Junior Adventures Group UK (@JAGUKGROUP) May 19, 2017



Don't forget, next Monday 1 May is a bank holiday: https://t.co/KD5dH0vEqF pic.twitter.com/ca4GQBJnE5— GOV.UK (@GOVUK) April 24, 2017



Coach Billy @SmardenPrimary delivering week one Cricket.. Great class.. #cricket #schools #education 🏏🏏 pic.twitter.com/0y77WvVyam— Teamtheme Kent (@Teamthemekent) April 19, 2017



We have high expectations of all our children in every aspect of school life.

We want our curriculum to enable all pupils to become resilient, independent, curious and creative learners and leaders who think for themselves.


Case Studies

Supporting our Village community - The Community

Community – a group of people living in the same place considered together with its inhabitants. For example, church is part of that community, police, local charity, specific to that area and unique to that community.

Working within a large Multi-academy trust - Partnership

Partnership - A relationship in which either two or more people, or organisations work together as partners – e.g. Educational Psychology, Barnardo’s (or other national charities) community learning, Health, Social Services, cluster working.

A trauma informed approach - Boxall Profile Online

Several of our children have unfortunately gone through various Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) within their young lifetimes, including, but not only, bereavement based traumas.
Supporting our Village community
Working within a large Multi-academy trust
A trauma informed approach