A Day in the Life of Caterpillars
We are so lucky to have such beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces at our nursery school and the children have so many opportunities each day to explore in our different areas.
So, what does a day at Smarden Nursery School look like?
9:00 Come in and play – explore all the different activities available
9:45 Welcome
Hello Song /Days of the Week/ How’s the Weather?
(Younger children to the Butterfly room)
Guided Input (Write Dance/Jigsaw/Circle time).
10:00 Snack time
10:30 (Indoor/outdoor free flow) Busy Caterpillar Time
Adult led activities / Continuous provision observations
11:30 Singing/Story
11:45 Wash hands / morning children get ready to go home
12:00 Lunch in the hall / morning children go home
12:30 Phonics
12:45 Outdoor play
1:15 (Indoor/outdoor free flow) Busy Caterpillar Time
Adult led activities / Continuous provision observations
2:30 Maths
2:45 Story
3:00 Home time
We use Makaton sign language to support effective communication and language for all children. We also have regular Write Dance activities to support the children's motor skill development and make sure we are ready for writing.
As well as all this, we are lucky enough have Forest Time at least once a week, often more. We put on our wellies and waterproofs and go on adventures into the woods!
We have lots of fun and learning every day!