Medication & Accidents

At Smarden Primary and Nursery School we are very committed to supporting children with medical needs and will endeavour as much as possible to ensure that children are still able to come to school.  We have experience working with children with a range of needs including asthma, epilepsy, allergies and diabetes so please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions.

Mrs Speight has overall responsibility for supporting children with medical needs in school.  The ladies in the school office and Mrs Miller are also key members of the team as well as all of our fantastic trained first aiders.


What to do if your child has an accident, injury or operation.

If your child is due to have an operation, please contact your child's class teacher and the office as soon as this has been scheduled so that we can make a note of it in the diary and that the teacher can plan for their absence.  Your child's teacher will ask if you would like work sent home for your child whilst they are recovering.  When you have an idea of the date your child is able to return, please let us know.  The more notice we have, the more time we will have to make any preparations to the environment should this be appropriate.  Your child's class teacher may forward information on to Mrs Speight, who may make contact to do a care plan and risk assessment, should this be appropriate.

If your child is returning to school from an accident or injury then a member of staff will need to speak with you to discuss the logistics of their return to school and the measures we can put in place to make sure that they are safe, comfortable and can access the learning.  Wherever possible, please make contact before your child returns to allow us time to make any preparations.  We have a set form to complete which allows us to consider what adjustments to the day may be appropriate.  This can be completed with the school office and will be forwarded onto Mrs Speight who may be in touch if need be.  

Medication at school

At Smarden Primary and Nursery school we are happy to support children who require medication. However, where possible we ask that medication is administered at home.

If the medication required is part of a wider medical condition, it may be that your child would require a care plan. Mrs Speight will be in touch should it be appropriate to write one for your child.

If medication does need to be administered at school we ask that you adhere to the following:

  1. Please complete a medication administration permission form (a paper copy can be obtained from the office) all medication must be in its original packaging with the child's name on contents and box.
  2. If the medication is prescribed to your child then we will need to see the pharmacy label attached to the medication, with your child's name and the dosage visible.
  3. Please hand medication directly to the school office, please do not put it in a child's bookbag. If you need the medication back at the end of the day to administer at home, then please collect from the school office.


Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

More information on how we support pupils with medical needs can be found in our policy below.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy