Staff Wellbeing

At Smarden Primary School, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all of our staff. This has never been more important than in the current climate.

Please refer to information sent via staff emails for more detailed support, reading and strategies.

Key documents have been added here for reference. 

Please remember that we also have our DAS Counselling Service which offers freeconfidential support for all staff members (details below).


DAS Counselling Service

DAS Zurich Counselling


Guidance Documents

 Links to signpost you to support, advice and strategies online:

  • Government guidance - Guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing aspects of coronavirus
  • Public Health England Guidance - Easy read guide- looking after your feelings and your body
  • NHS - Every Mind Matters guide to mental wellbeing whilst staying at home
  • NHS - Every Mind Matters- 10 Tips to help if you are worried about coronavirus. Contains useful links to strategies and support.
  • Mind - Mental health charity support and advice for managing your wellbeing during coronavirus
  • Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families - Guidance document giving tips for looking after yourself and colleagues.


Caring for others

If you are caring for family or friends during who are struggling with their wellbeing, or who have a pre-existing mental health condition, the following document may offer support.

  • NHS - Guidance for helping others with mental health problems.


The importance of self care

Now, more than ever, is the time to be kind to yourself. Here are some ideas and links to developing your self care whilst staying at home:

School Bus wellbeing calendar - practical daily small steps to reducing stress

  • TheSchoolBus Staff Mental Health Calendar

Anxiety UK booklets - practical strategies to try at home.

  • Breathing and Relaxation - Anxiety UK
  • Stress and Anxiety - Anxiety UK

Top tips for working at home

  • Top tips for homeworking
  • Mental Health First Aid EnglandThis site has lots of great tips and videos for working well from home whilst giving yourself some self care.