A trauma informed approach


Several of our children have unfortunately gone through various Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) within their young lifetimes, including but not only,  bereavement based traumas. This of course doesn’t always mean a parent, sibling or loved one has passed away, as bereavement trauma can also include passing of a family pet or parental divorce and or separation, as well as childhood friend loss. All of our children who have experienced this type of ACE have all shown some deterioration either in behaviour and or emotional wellbeing. Our staff are well informed in trauma based behaviours and are keen to support children through their experiences helping them to negate their often vastly fluctuating emotions and behaviours.



Key processes, features and development

In our weekly whole staff meeting, we discuss children who may be causing concern. We keep an eye out for all children and ensure that we support children within school at all times. Our Head teacher is always contactable outside of school hours. We are helpful in sign posting and have two Sencos,  one EYF Senco and Two MHFAs within our team. We also have TAs trained in Sen, child development alongside teachers. We regularly check in with children throughout the day to make sure they are feeling ok. We have regular chats and sit down discussions, and restorative conversations when fall out occurs.

Within our school our children who have or are currently going through trauma have all shown some level of deteriorating behaviour. We offer a nurturing environment to allow discussion when they require it, and often have small group discussions about emotions, acceptable behaviours and constantly model expectations. Often we discover that children do not always directly want to talk about issues that upset them, so we may use strategies such as playing board games, or physical games such as Football or tennis in a small group and discuss issues in a less direct manner. Importantly I feel it is all about getting to know the individual child and what approach may or may not work for them.



Through the use of boxall profile assessments, I have seen a marked deterioration in all our children going through trauma, comparing before, after and or current assessments.  By taking the nurturing approach and the understanding of strategies presented, almost all of these children have made a marked improvement, for example:

One child reverted back to his prior levels of well being and behaviour. One child who has possibly the most level of need within our school has made huge strides in his behaviour and development with all but one moving vastly up the scale. One child is still as she was before but she still unfortunately has a troubling homelife of which all agencies are aware. She has however been willing to open up more and discuss things more freely, which will only endeavour to assist both herself and us towards helping her achieve a positive outcome.


Further actions/Developments:

Keep regularly completing Boxhall profiles, especially for children with evidence of ACE.

Ensure that all key workers understand that the evidence is very beneficial as are the strategies suggested.

Pass on knowledge to all involved staff.

Continue with supporting staff in understanding and implementing strategies as well as ongoing training on how to navigate the Boxall profile portal.

Ensure pupil Wellbeing leads are trained and embedded son that they themselves have a voice.