Working within a large Multi-academy trust
Smarden Primary and Nursery school is a small village primary in a rural area with 180 pupils on site, including 40 children in the Nursery. We have 10 teachers, 15 TAs or Nursery assistants, 4 office staff and 2 site managers. In January 2011, Smarden joined The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT). TKAT is one of the largest trusts in the country, with 45 schools stretching from Hampshire to Essex, including 29 primary schools, 15 secondary schools and one special school, which is currently expanding to become an all through school.
Being part of such a large academy trust means that we have the benefits of being a small family school, whilst retaining the benefits of being part of a wider network. This enables us to have the time, training, expertise and resources to be able to support and nurture our children to the highest levels.
Key processes, features and development
In 2022, TKAT restructured its culture, mission and values and established 5 strategic priorities. It summarised its culture as #oneTKATfamily - Achieving More Together. They set their mission to work together as a community of schools to ensure that every child, whatever their background, receives a high quality education. TKAT’s values are shared voice, shared belief and shared success. The TKAT board has set 5 strategic priorities, their pillars of Intent, over a three year period. These are Improving educational outcomes; supporting those most in need; becoming an employer of choice; working as an integrated trust, and establishing a viable and sustainable infrastructure. Each and every school work together to achieve these priorities.
Over the past 18 months, we have worked with other schools in TKAT to embed Nurture through everything we do. In June 2023, a film made by Smarden pupils about mental wellbeing was shown at the TKAT Primary Wellbeing conference as an example of best practice from within the trust. This conference included an audience of many experts in the field of mental health and wellbeing from outside the trust, and several school leaders. The film was also shared with Nurture UK. In June 2023, we received an email from Victoria Norris, the Service Manager for specialist support at Nurture UK, asking for permission to use the video in their nationwide training. Permission was granted and we believe the film is now used on Nurture UK courses.
Good practice is regularly shared within the trust. All schools in TKAT have signed up to the staff wellbeing charter. TKAT regularly conducts surveys with its staff and leaders are held to account with the outcomes of these. TKAT ACE - whereby every child on pupil premium is given a ‘Champion’ who meets weekly with the pupil and also communicates weekly with their parents is embedded at Smarden and we have had the opportunity to become a pilot school for extending this to SEN pupils.
The Headteacher of Smarden has been appointed the Weald regional inclusion lead and hold regular meetings to prevent children from being excluded from any TKAT school.
For the past year, the Headteacher of Smarden school has also been seconded to the Extended Senior Leadership of our multi-academy trust, TKAT, with its 22,000 pupils and 3,500 staff. Having a Senior Mental Health Lead, trained by Nurture UK, on the board of such a large academy trust, even for a secondment of one year, will lead to lasting impact and more priority being placed on mental health and wellbeing across 45 schools.
Future actions/development
TKAT held their first whole staff inset day last September and are looking to make this an annual event. More opportunities for ALL staff to collaborate with others need to be explored. This will lead to meaningful support and development for staff in their roles. Good practice in Nurture and mental health support for pupils needs to remain at our core.