‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.’
Mark Twain.
At Smarden Primary School our vision is reflected through the belief that scientific enquiry is at the core of all scientific learning. This vision is delivered by enthusiastic members of staff whose aim it is to inspire our children by giving them opportunities to peruse their natural curiosity; allowing them to explore a rich learning environment, providing them with a range of scientific resources; developing their investigative skills in and out of the classroom in a range of contexts and assisting them in developing an appreciation of the nature of science. We encourage our children to ask questions, make observations, take risks and we listen to their ideas, using these as the foundations for their learning, to ensure that they are able to continually evolve their knowledge and understanding of the ever changing world around them.
Our science learning takes place in a safe environment where the children feel confident enough and are encouraged to make mistakes, to enable them to reflect and learn from them.
Our science lessons are incorporated within our creative curriculum, this enables the children to make connections between ideas and to promote an understanding of how they are developed and applied beyond the classroom.